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Environment Plan

Environment Plan

Governing Bodies

Motorcycling SA
Motorcycling Australia

Log Books

A log book will be supplied free to open competitors riding Reliability Trials, the same book (issued only once to each competitor) must be presented by the competitor (who’s name is labelled within) at each round of the Series as part of the necessary documents produced.

1.  If required a new log book will be issued to a competitor at the start of each round. The log book can be obtained at the sign in and document check desk.

2. The book will be available at all rounds of the series unless demand exceeds supply, then they can be obtained at the next event.

3.  No penalty is imposed if the first log book cannot be obtained for the first ride due to lack of supply.

4.  The log book is designed to last for at least 4 years, allowing for change of motorcycle during this period.

5.  The book goes with the rider not the bike.

6.  The book is designed to record faults with both the bike and riding gear of the rider or passenger (in the case of sidecars.)

7.  All log books are numbered and these numbers are recorded on a data base for tracking.

8.  Faults have to be rectified for the next event of the series ridden.

9.  Not producing a log book at document check will incur a 300 point penalty, and if lost a small replacement fee may apply.

10.  On proof of the old book being full, a new book will be issued free of charge. Old books may be retained by the competitor,but will be marked  void.

11. Only the latest issued book may be used for competition. All lost books that have been replaced will be deemed void, even if relocated.