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Governing Bodies

Motorcycling SA
Motorcycling Australia

Phillip Haydon Trial

PROMOTER: Gawler Motorcycle Club

The ‘Phillip Haydon Reliability Trial’ will be the opening round for 2025 and will be run in the Marrabel district, start and finish at the Marrabel Rodeo Grounds . The Trial will be a Day/Night format of 2 laps and approximately 6 hours in total duration.

All Competitors are required …Read more

Mike Connors Trial

PROMOTER: Keyneton Motorcycle Club

Hosted by the Keyneton MCC this round returns to the Barossa district. The trial shall be a day time format of 2 laps, and approximately 6-8 hours in total duration. This event has a competitor capacity limit and entry may be closed earlier if the capacity has …Read more

Lew Job 2 Day Trial


The ‘Lew Job 2 Day Reliability Trial’ will be run as one event over 2 days, each day consisting of approximately 6 hours in duration. start and finish will be at the Robertstown Oval, Saturday will be Day/Night format Sunday will be Daylight only.

Entry Queries Contact: Michael Kerin

DOWNLOADS [Competitor …Read more

Gil Harris Trial

PROMOTER: Levis Motorcycle Club

Levis MCC “Gil Harris Trial” (Formally Theo Nixon Trial). This event will be run in the Mallala district as a Day/Night format of 2 laps, and approximately 6 hours in total duration.

DOWNLOADS & LINKS [Competitor Information] [Competitor List & Start Times] …Read more

River Murray Trial

PROMOTER: SAPMAC Motorcycle Club

The ‘River Murray Trial’ will be an all daytime format of 2 laps and approximately 6 hours in total duration in the Mannum district starting from Palmer Oval.

DOWNLOADS [Competitor Information] [Competitor List & Start Times]


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Beryl Pearse Trial

PROMOTER: Clare Motorcycle Club

The event will be a Daytime format of 2 laps and approximately 6 hours in total duration.


[Competitor Information] [Competitor List & Start Times] …Read more